Archive for Sweet Basil leaves

Thai Green Curry Chicken (Gaeng Kiew Wan Kai) recipe

Posted in Thai Recipe with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 09/01/2010 by Kikomatching

It’s been a long time that I’ve not tried preparing Thai food although every day I get to taste one usually during Lunch since I have to buy food either in the food court in our office building or nearby restaurants.  Thai food is well know all over the world as spicy and flavorful with many herbs and spices used as ingredients.

However, for those who cannot eat too spicy food one very good and popular food to consider is the Thai Green Curry Chicken (locally known as Gaeng Kiew Wan Kai). Kai is Thai word for Chicken. I’ve also tasted a Green curry pork before but I like the chicken better. This recipe is not too spicy if compared to other Thai food and is actually a bit sweet because of Coconut milk and some sugar which I noticed is being used in many Thai foods.

So here is the recipe. Hope you enjoy:

1 pack (about 500 grams) chicken (can be chicken wings or drumstick). I prefer the bony part rather than the meaty part of the chicken for this dish
1oo gram green curry paste (or instant green curry paste available in supermarket)
2 cups (or 1 pack) coconut milk
kaffir lime leaves
8 pcs round eggplant cut into quarter
handful of fresh sweet basil leaves (you can add more cos this herb taste good and is very healthy)
Coriander leaves
2-3 red chillies cut into small strips
fish sauce to taste
1-2 tsp sugar
cooking oil

Heat a pan or skillet. Fry the curry paste in oil until fragrant or until it produce oily surface but not burnt. Reduce the heat. Add the coconut cream and let it boil until it is shiny while stirring occasionally.  Add the chicken and kaffir lime leaves. Cook until the chicken is tender and no longer bloody.  Add fish sauce up to your desired taste and sugar. When boiling, add the eggplant and chillies. Do not overcook the vegetable. It should retain some crispiness. Before you remove from fire, add the basil and coriander leaves.

Serve with cooked white rice.